Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Let's start a debate...

Ok, so I may as well open with a real fire starting debate…
I read on Facebook today – (while reading about NC’s vote on Gay marriage) that someone claimed to be a Christian –Wiccan
This is not the first time I have heard of this and I have no idea how it could possibly work.
I am Wiccan and I do believe that Christ was here, but I am seriously wondering how someone could say these two belief systems can be blended.

Now, I know in Genesis it says that the planets are in the heavens for signs – but I’m pretty sure they are talking about planting, not seeing the Moon as a Goddess energy, or condoning the use of astrology.

And I know the Christians hi-jacked almost all our holidays – and that in 325AD the council of Nicaea declared Yule a mass for Christ, and that Easter is still calculated from Ostara, being the first Sunday after the first full moon after the equinox.

But, if someone is actually using the Bible as their book of truth – and really understands Christianity – How can it possibly be “blended” with any other religion? Especially Wicca. Correct me please but, if you are claiming to be both aren’t you really neither.
Perhaps a look into a religion that blends spell work and the Saints might be a better fit hey?

Maybe I’m just a crusty old Witch – But I just don’t see how you can be a Christian-Wiccan, so please enlighten me.

How do you believe in Satan and have no Satan in your belief system at the same time?

How do you “Take no Gods before me” and believe in a Goddess?
 No where in the Old Testament do they allow Witchcraft or even condone divination  -
Saul died for seeking council with the Witch of Endor -1st Samuel 28- and in Exodus 22:18 it plainly states “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live” Now, Paul does go a little radical in 1st Corinthians 10 about the powers people can work up to, but it’s a stretch to allowing Witchcraft. – For some how would you reconcile things like Leviticus 19:28 – no tattoos
So again, HOW do you “blend” these 2 very different belief systems into a system that is true to either????

Let the enlightenment begin


  1. Hahahaha. Lisa this is do on target. I was also hoping for a condensation of gay hatred based on biblical verse but I'll take what I can get. I don't have an answer except to say maybe Christian Wiccans are just confused. Or have a foot in each world. Lol. Maybe they smoked too much hookah!

  2. Okay, I'm going to take a stab at this, but not here. No, if you want to be a blogger, you're just gonna have to deal with people linking to your posts!

    What I will do here instead is provide a mini-rant about why that's not as good for you as I wish it was. Trackbacks, links from posts on other blogs, are a wonderful thing that enhances how easily people can find your blog. But Google, that emperor of search engines and owner of the Blogger platform which you and I use, doesn't support them, and it really stinks.

    It's true that there is some kind of inbound link thing you can activate, but so far as I can tell it doesn't work. If our blogs were on the Wordpress platform and you checked the proper box, the link to my post linking back to this one would appear underneath it automagically. Doesn't that make sense?

    It's not too late for you to switch to Wordpress, but I fear my cause is lost, so look for my comments on Christogardnerianism soon!


  4. I went on a journey a couple of years ago, and I'll try to make a long journey short, that I went to introduce someone who was special to me, to my mother who had crossed to the other side. Well, it was right out of the song by David Nelson (I think it was David) "Garden Party". My mother was at a garden party talking to Jesus in a Gazebo. I knew it was Jesus even though he looked like he would in our time. Short brown hair, khaki pants and a cream color Nehru shirt. After I introduced my friend to my mother, Jesus asked me to go on a walk with him. As we were walking he said to me, do not walk behind me, do not walk ahead of me, we walk shoulder to shoulder as we are the same. I started to argue with him and insisted. I have met him a few other journeys and it's always as friends. If there is worship, we worship each other. I call him my friend and he knows that it the way it is.

    When I pray, I pray to Lord and Lady. I also pray to Buddha, Ganesh, Kwan (Quan) Yin, St. Anthony, Michael, and many other Goddesses. The Peacock is my spirit animal. I have more than one spirit guide, but the one that I work with the most is Andreas. All of these entities are special to me and I call myself a pagan because I am polytheistic.

    And even though I have Jesus as my friend, I do not have the right to call myself a christian. I call myself Laurie. That is who I am. And who I always will be. Blessed be and Namaste
